3 methods for removing vaginal odor

Here's how to keep your vagina from stinking.

3 methods for removing vaginal odor
If you notice a bad odor coming from your vagina, it's usually because the PH level is out of whack - in other words, it's unbalanced.

Many factors can cause your PH level to be out of balance, the most common of which are tight clothing, dirty underwear, non-cotton underwear, drugs, hormonal imbalance, sweating, and sex.

How can you alter the vaginal culture?


1. Beneficial bacteria

This helps to keep the bacterial levels in the body and vagina normal. Probiotics are prescription-free medications available at pharmacies. Yogurt is also a good source of probiotics.

3 methods for removing vaginal odor. 

2. ACV (apple cider vinegar)

3 methods for removing vaginal odor
Apple cider vinegar raises the acidity in your vagina.

Combine apple cider vinegar and water. This raises the vaginal pH and causes it to become more acidic. The higher the acidity, the less stinky it is.

3. Suspension of boric acid

3 methods for removing vaginal odor
These capsules are inserted [Park compounding pharmacy] into the vagina.

These are small pills that are inserted into the vagina. They restore the vagina's PH level and thus improve the smell.

All of these can be obtained easily over the counter at a pharmacy.